Use of the Screens

Listed below are some examples of the contents published on the Center's screens.

As a general rule, the screens will only include the most relevant contents of those published in the internal and external sections of the web:

Tipology Description
CiTIUS events Conferences, workshops, and other events organized by the Center.
External events External events and activities of interest to CiTIUS personnel.
Training Training activities, organized by CiTIUS or at external entities.
Job Offers Offers aimed at postdoctoral researchers and/or technologists with R&D experience.
Calls Public call programs of special relevance, contests, Hackathons, etc.
Alerts Alerts on the operation of CiTIUS infrastructures and software.
Outreach Outreach activities promoted by the center and its research staff.
New incorporations New staff joining the center.
CiTIUS News News about CiTIUS: projects, works, awards… etc.
CiTIUS in the press Summary of the most relevant appearances in the media.