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Create a template


A template is a reusable configuration of a VM. It's a virtual disk image that has an operating system already installed and configured.

Users can create templates from a VM, from a snapshot of a disk or from VHD that come from other systems.

Templates can be public or private. Private ones can only be seen and used by the user that created it while public ones can be seen and used by everybody.

Create templates

From a preexistant VM

The starting point is an already created and configured VM that is going to be used as a prototype. It has to be stopped.
Now its “root disk” has to be selected. There are to ways to do so:

  1. Choose the VM in the instance list and click the “View volumes button”.
  2. In the “storage” category choose from the list the volume correspondent to the VM.

Once the volume is selected there are four possible options:

Option bar for a volume

Choose the last option, “Create template”.

Template creation menu
It is preferable to choose “Other” rather than a previous version. For example don't choose CentOS 5.4 for a CentOS 6.2 template.
If the ISO is a disk image that is not from an operating system then choose “none”.

Click “Ok” to finish and make the template available.

From a snapshot

Procedure is identical to the previous case except that the VM doesn't need to be stopped.

From a VHD

The file must be uploaded to Cloudstack so a URL is needed.

Choose the “Templates” category in the left column and press the “Register template” button in the right upper corner.  Template creation parameters