Táboa de Contidos

VPN manual for generic GNU/Linux (no Network Manager)


  1. Install OpenVPN following the instructions for your distro. Or you can rather download the source package and compile it.
  2. Uncompress the zip file found in your user's home, in the VPN folder. The exe and ovpn files, if there, aren't necessary for this type of connection.
cd ~/Downloads
unzip vpn-udp-22-user.name-config.zip

Connect and disconnet from the VPN

  1. Go to the directory where files are uncompressed
    cd ~/Downloads/vpn-udp-22-user.name
  2. Execute openvpn with superuser privileges. Depending on the system's configuration you may need to use sudo or su.
    sudo openvpn vpn-udp-22-user.name.ovpn
    openvpn vpn-udp-22-user.name.ovpn
  3. To disconnect press Control+C.