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en:centro:comision-formacion:start [2021/09/16 16:30] – [Contact] felix.diazen:centro:comision-formacion:start [2024/02/15 13:02] (current) maria.regueira.muniz
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 This entry presents the CiTIUS Training and Professional Development Committee, which has the following functions: This entry presents the CiTIUS Training and Professional Development Committee, which has the following functions:
-  * **Plan the training activity of CiTIUS**, including the biennial update of its Training Plan.+  * **Plan the training activity of CiTIUS**, including the biennial update of its Training Plan.  {{ :es:centro:comision-formacion:programaformacion_2024-2025.pdf |Training Plan 2024-2025}}
   * **Advise CiTIUS predoctoral research staff** in the development of their training and/or professional career.   * **Advise CiTIUS predoctoral research staff** in the development of their training and/or professional career.
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 Representatives of the personnel associated to CiTIUS: Representatives of the personnel associated to CiTIUS:
-  * [[https://citius.usc.es/equipo/persoal-adscrito/diego-cabello-ferrer|Diego Cabello Ferrer]] (Coordinator) +  * [[https://citius.usc.es/team/persoal-adscrito/diego-cabello-ferrer|Diego Cabello Ferrer]] (Coordinator) 
-  * [[https://citius.usc.es/equipo/persoal-adscrito/maria-jose-carreira-nouche|María José Carreira Nouche]] +  * [[https://citius.usc.es/team/persoal-adscrito/maria-jose-carreira-nouche|María José Carreira Nouche]] 
-  * [[https://citius.usc.es/equipo/persoal-adscrito/francisco-fernandez-rivera|Francisco Fernández Rivera]]+  * [[https://citius.gal/team/tomas-fernandez-pena/|Tomás Fernández Pena]] 
 +Representantives of the postdoctoral personnel:  
 +  * [[https://citius.gal/team/marta-nunez-garcia/|Marta Núñez García]]
 Representantives of the predoctoral personnel:  Representantives of the predoctoral personnel: 
-  * [[https://citius.usc.es/equipo/investigadores-en-formacion/andrea-cascallar-fuentes|Andrea Cascallar Fuentes]] +  * [[https://citius.gal/team/cesar-diaz-parga//| César Díaz Parga]] 
-  * [[https://citius.usc.es/equipo/investigadores-en-formacion/david-chapela-campa|David Chapela de la Campa]] +  * [[https://citius.gal/team/francisco-javier-cardama-santiago/| Francisco Javier Cardama Santiago]] 
-  * [[https://citius.usc.es/equipo/investigadores-en-formacion/victor-gallego-fontenla|Victor Gallego Fontenla]]+  * [[https://citius.gal/team/pedro-gamallo-fernandez//| Pedro Gamallo Fernández]]
-Representatives of the Knowledge Management and Transfer Unit:   +Representatives of the Knowledge Management and Transfer Unit and Strategic planning and management support unit:   
-  * [[https://citius.usc.es/equipo/persoal-de-apoio/diego-cougil-melendez|Diego Cougil]] +  * [[https://citius.gal/team/pilar-martinez-carou/|Pilar Martínez Carou]] 
-  * [[https://citius.usc.es/equipo/persoal-de-apoio/raluca-silvana-tomoni|Raluca Silvani]] +  * [[https://citius.gal/team/maria-regueira-muniz|María Regueira Muñiz]] 
-  * [[https://citius.usc.es/equipo/persoal-de-apoio/felix-diaz-hermida|Félix Díaz]]  +  * [[https://citius.gal/team/felix-diaz-hermida/|Félix Díaz Hermida]]  
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   * //[future]// Establish **connections with graduates** who are in other centers to ask them questions about their career path.   * //[future]// Establish **connections with graduates** who are in other centers to ask them questions about their career path.
   * //[future]// Ask for advice on the management and development of **internships in companies**: there is the possibility of internships in companies instead of research centers.   * //[future]// Ask for advice on the management and development of **internships in companies**: there is the possibility of internships in companies instead of research centers.
-  * //[futuro]// Request a letter of **support/recommendation** from CiTIUS in order to submit applications to other centers.+  * //[future]// Request a letter of **support/recommendation** from CiTIUS in order to submit applications to other centers.
 \\ \\
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 ==== Contact ==== ==== Contact ====
-The following [[citius.formacion@usc.es |dirección de correoe-mail address]] could be use to make suggestions about the organization of training activities or any query related to the development of the training program at CiTIUS.+The following [[citius.formacion@usc.es |e-mail address]] could be use to make suggestions about the organization of training activities or any query related to the development of the training program at CiTIUS.
-For general matters you can also contact personally with the following staff of the Knowledge Management and Transfer Unit: +For general matters you can also contact personally with the following staff of the Knowledge Management and Transfer Unit and and Strategic planning and management support unit:
-  * [[https://citius.usc.es/equipo/persoal-de-apoio/raluca-silvana-tomoni|Raluca Silvani]] +  * [[https://citius.gal/team/maria-regueira-muniz|María Regueira Muñiz]] 
-  * [[https://citius.usc.es/equipo/persoal-de-apoio/diego-cougil-melendez|Diego Cougil]] +  * [[https://citius.usc.es/equipo/persoal-de-apoio/pilar-martinez-carou|Pilar Martínez Carou]] 
-  * [[https://citius.usc.es/equipo/persoal-de-apoio/felix-diaz-hermida|Félix Díaz]]+  * [[https://citius.usc.es/equipo/persoal-de-apoio/felix-diaz-hermida|Félix Díaz Hermida]]   