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en:centro:comunicacion:consellos_recomendacions [2021/09/20 15:29] – created felix.diazen:centro:comunicacion:consellos_recomendacions [2021/09/20 15:29] (current) felix.diaz
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   * Inform the Press Unit in advance whenever you are aware of a communication action related to the center.   * Inform the Press Unit in advance whenever you are aware of a communication action related to the center.
-  * Always present yourself as CiTIUS research staff and **not only as USC research staff**.+  * Always present yourself as CiTIUS research staff and **not only as USC research staff**.
   * Especially, when disseminating results with other entities, notify the Press Unit to ensure that the CiTIUS is expressly mentioned in the final press release.   * Especially, when disseminating results with other entities, notify the Press Unit to ensure that the CiTIUS is expressly mentioned in the final press release.
   * Whenever possible, make use of CiTIUS dissemination material (roll-ups, brochures, wallpapers, etc.), made available to the team to improve the center's communication. Some of this material can be downloaded [[es:centro:comunicacion:presentacions|here]].   * Whenever possible, make use of CiTIUS dissemination material (roll-ups, brochures, wallpapers, etc.), made available to the team to improve the center's communication. Some of this material can be downloaded [[es:centro:comunicacion:presentacions|here]].