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en:centro:comunicacion:perfis_redes_sociais [2021/09/20 16:55] – created felix.diazen:centro:comunicacion:perfis_redes_sociais [2023/02/13 12:10] (current) lucia.lago.cascon
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 Similarly, some trends are consolidating oriented to collect the impact of the publications not only originated by the citations of the articles. The monitoring of these indicators is known as [[https://www.revistacomunicar.com/index.php?contenido=detalles&numero=41&articulo=41-2013-05|Altmetrics]]. There are also several publications that show the increase in impact achieved when the use of social networks is increased. Similarly, some trends are consolidating oriented to collect the impact of the publications not only originated by the citations of the articles. The monitoring of these indicators is known as [[https://www.revistacomunicar.com/index.php?contenido=detalles&numero=41&articulo=41-2013-05|Altmetrics]]. There are also several publications that show the increase in impact achieved when the use of social networks is increased.