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en:centro:persoal-colaborador:start [2021/09/16 10:30] felix.diazen:centro:persoal-colaborador:start [2021/10/25 13:00] (current) felix.diaz
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 CiTIUS collaborating personnel may make public use of this condition and may reflect it, with prior authorization from CiTIUS director, in their scientific contributions, without prejudice to the fact that they may also do so with other organisations, namely those with which they have a work and/or professional relationship. CiTIUS collaborating personnel may make public use of this condition and may reflect it, with prior authorization from CiTIUS director, in their scientific contributions, without prejudice to the fact that they may also do so with other organisations, namely those with which they have a work and/or professional relationship.
 +Applications will be sent to [[mailto:citius@usc.es|]] with the subject "Application for joining CiTIUS as collaborating researcher".
 Form to apply to join CiTIUS as collaborating researcher: Form to apply to join CiTIUS as collaborating researcher: