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en:centro:servizos:cloud:crear_vm [2018/06/06 12:49] fernando.guillenen:centro:servizos:cloud:crear_vm [2018/06/06 17:04] (current) fernando.guillen
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 [[en:centro:servizos:cloud|>>Back to main page]] [[en:centro:servizos:cloud|>>Back to main page]]
-[[centro:servizos:cloud:isos | Listado de ISOs ]]+[[en:centro:servizos:cloud:isos | ISO image list]]
-[[centro:servizos:cloud:templates | Listado de templates ]]+[[en:centro:servizos:cloud:templates | Template list ]]
-[[centro:servizos:cloud:requisitos | Requisitos de hardware de diferentes Sistemas Operativos]]+[[en:centro:servizos:cloud:requisitos | Hardware requirements for different operating systems]]
 ====== Create and erase a virtual machine ====== ====== Create and erase a virtual machine ======
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 In the "Instances" screen appears the list of our VM. In the upper right is the "Add Instance" button that starts the process of creating a new VM. In the "Instances" screen appears the list of our VM. In the upper right is the "Add Instance" button that starts the process of creating a new VM.
 We can access the options of any instance already present by any of the following two options: We can access the options of any instance already present by any of the following two options:
-  * Selecting the instance a screen with information opens which contains the following options (for a stopped instance)  +  * Selecting the instance a screen with information opens which contains the following options (for a stopped instance)\\ 
-[{{:centro:servizos:cloud:opciones_instancia.png?nolink  | Action bar for a stopped instance}}]  +[{{  :centro:servizos:cloud:opciones_instancia.png?nolink   | Action bar for a stopped instance}}]  
-  * Leaving the mouse pointer over the "+" symbol in the "Quickview" column the following options appear (for a running instance): + 
-[{{  :centro:servizos:cloud:instancias_run2.png?nolink  | Action dropdown for a runnig instance}}]+  * Leaving the mouse pointer over the "+" symbol in the "Quickview" column the following options appear (for a running instance):\\ 
 +[{{  :centro:servizos:cloud:instancias_run2.png?nolink   | Action dropdown for a runnig instance}}]
 To erase a instance choose "Destroy" and confirm. Destroying an instance is irreversible and has the following consequences: To erase a instance choose "Destroy" and confirm. Destroying an instance is irreversible and has the following consequences: