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en:centro:servizos:cloud:start [2021/05/06 10:32] – [Cloudstack] jorge.suarezen:centro:servizos:cloud:start [2021/08/04 10:20] (current) – [Cloudstack] jorge.suarez
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 ====== Cloudstack ====== ====== Cloudstack ======
-<note important>This service has reached the end of its life. As of **May 31** it will not be possible to create new virtual machines. Instead, you can use the [[centro:servizos:vps:start|Cloud de servidores virtuais (VPS) - CiTIUS VPS]]</note>+<note important>This service has reached the end of its life. As of **May 31, 2021** it will not be possible to create new virtual machines. Instead, you can use the [[centro:servizos:vps:start|Cloud de servidores virtuais (VPS) - CiTIUS VPS]]</note>
 ===== Before starting ===== ===== Before starting =====