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en:centro:servizos:espazo_na_wiki [2018/05/23 16:35] fernando.guillenen:centro:servizos:espazo_na_wiki [2018/05/23 16:35] (current) – [Access permissions] fernando.guillen
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 The ''acl'' space is a special place in which access permits are kept and its always public (this means that anybody can see who has access to a wiki).  The ''acl'' space is a special place in which access permits are kept and its always public (this means that anybody can see who has access to a wiki). 
-Permissions for the ''some_name'' space are stored in ''acl:some_name:start''. So in order to modify the permissions of <nowiki>http://wiki.citius.usc.es/samename </nowiki>''you must access ''<nowiki>http://wiki.citius.usc.es/acl:samename:start</nowiki>''.+Permissions for the ''some_name'' space are stored in ''acl:some_name:start''. So in order to modify the permissions of ''<nowiki>http://wiki.citius.usc.es/samename </nowiki>''you must access ''<nowiki>http://wiki.citius.usc.es/acl:samename:start</nowiki>''.
 Permissions can also be specified for particular pages, for example, permissions of ''spacename:example'' are kept in ''acl:spacename:example''. If instead of a page is a subspace then '':start'' must be added at the end. Permissions can also be specified for particular pages, for example, permissions of ''spacename:example'' are kept in ''acl:spacename:example''. If instead of a page is a subspace then '':start'' must be added at the end.