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en:centro:servizos:hpc:escribir_script [2016/06/21 14:34] fernando.guillenen:centro:servizos:hpc:escribir_script [2016/06/22 11:10] (current) fernando.guillen
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 The recommended options are: The recommended options are:
-  * ''-O'' Generate optimized code to get better performance. Is equivalent to ''-O1''. Alternatively, you can use the options ''-O0'', ''-O2'' or ''-O3''. Number indicates the optimization level, being 0 the less optimization and 3 the most (( 3 is quite aggressive and can lead to issues). +  * ''-O'' Generate optimized code to get better performance. Is equivalent to ''-O1''. Alternatively, you can use the options ''-O0'', ''-O2'' or ''-O3''. Number indicates the optimization level, being 0 the less optimization and 3 the most (( 3 is quite aggressive and can lead to issues)). 
   * ''-o <name>'' Sets the binary file name.   * ''-o <name>'' Sets the binary file name.
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 === OpenMP Compilation === === OpenMP Compilation ===
-La colección de compiladores GCC permite la compilación de código OpenMP, indicándolo mediante la opción ''-fopenmp''.+The GCC compiler collection allows for the compilation of OpenMP code using the ''-fopenmp'' option
 <code bash> <code bash>