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hiperespectral:wtss-emp [2016/08/24 12:07] – [Classification Maps] pablo.quesadahiperespectral:wtss-emp [2016/08/24 12:21] (actual) – [Classification Results] pablo.quesada
Liña 24: Liña 24:
   * Supervised classification carried out using the [[https://www.csie.ntu.edu.tw/~cjlin/libsvm/|LIBSVM library]] and the [[http://www.ntu.edu.sg/home/egbhuang/elm_codes.html|ELM algorithm]] (with random hidden nodes and random hidden neurons).   * Supervised classification carried out using the [[https://www.csie.ntu.edu.tw/~cjlin/libsvm/|LIBSVM library]] and the [[http://www.ntu.edu.sg/home/egbhuang/elm_codes.html|ELM algorithm]] (with random hidden nodes and random hidden neurons).
-==== Classification Maps ====+==== Classification Results ====
-Execution outputs as TXT+The following zip files have the output (TXT) produced by the SVM and ELM pixelwise classifiers, the WT-EMP scheme and the WTSS-EMP scheme, including the experimental results in the presence of noise. These results correspond to the test samples used in the experiments.
   * Pavia Univ.: {{:hiperespectral:results_paviau_pixelwise.zip|}}, {{:hiperespectral:results_paviau_wtemp.zip|}}, {{:hiperespectral:results_paviau_wtssemp.zip|}}   * Pavia Univ.: {{:hiperespectral:results_paviau_pixelwise.zip|}}, {{:hiperespectral:results_paviau_wtemp.zip|}}, {{:hiperespectral:results_paviau_wtssemp.zip|}}