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en:centro:igualdade:start [2023/02/10 13:14] maria.regueira.munizen:centro:igualdade:start [2023/02/10 13:15] (current) – [Membership] maria.regueira.muniz
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   * Organisational culture of equality    * Organisational culture of equality 
-===== Membership =====+===== Members =====
   * [[https://citius.gal/team/paula-lopez-martinez|Paula López Martínez]], Coordinator and associated researcher   * [[https://citius.gal/team/paula-lopez-martinez|Paula López Martínez]], Coordinator and associated researcher
   * [[https://citius.gal/team/diego-cabello-ferrer|Diego Cabello Ferrer]], associated researcher   * [[https://citius.gal/team/diego-cabello-ferrer|Diego Cabello Ferrer]], associated researcher