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en:centro:instalacions:cocina [2022/10/17 13:43] – [Cleaning] angeles.agulloen:centro:instalacions:cocina [2022/10/17 13:59] (current) – [Appliances] angeles.agullo
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 ====Appliances==== ====Appliances====
-  * __Tassimo Coffee Machine__+  * __Coffemaker, water Heater and Microwave oven__ 
 +The use of these appliances is free.
-If you want to use it **contact [[adrian.gonzalez@usc.es|Adrián González]] (LS02)**.  You just have to pay 3€ once.+Only water may be heated in the water heater, not milk.
-Coffee pods and the rest of the supplies (milk, sugar, and so on) are bought individually. Additionally one must pay for the use of the kitchen. +Help to keep them clean!
-There is a small brochure with the directions, if you have any question contact **[[adrian.gonzalez@usc.es|Adrián González]]**. +Coffee machines must not be left on. Remember to turn them off after each use. It is not the first time that they are left on and overheatAlso remember to throw the coffee capsules in the bin under the sink. 
-When finishing your coffee leave the space clean and take off the pod!+
-  * __Coffee maker and coffee club__ 
-Coffee, milk and infussions are bought by the group, including the consumables ;) 
-If you want to join  **contact [[antonio.garcia.loureiro@usc.es|Antonio Garćia Loureiro]].** 
-  * __Water Heater and Microwave oven__ 
-The use of these appliances is free. This heater can only be use for water, not for milk. Collaborate with its cleaning! 
-The water heater is once again available and there is another one on reserve. 
   * __Dishwasher__   * __Dishwasher__
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   -     IMPORTANT: Make sure the door is closed (You must hear a “CLICK”, if it is not properly closed the program won't start).   -     IMPORTANT: Make sure the door is closed (You must hear a “CLICK”, if it is not properly closed the program won't start).
-IMPORTANT: The dishwasher is programed so that it works __on weekdays arround 21-22h__ and it is emptied on mornings arround 8-11h, aproximatelly. __ If you find it full with clean dishesempty it to avoid mixing clean and dirty stuff.__+IMPORTANT: The dishwasher will be programmed to run every night and the first person to use the dishes in the morning must empty the contents. 
 +It is forbidden to leave dirty utensils in the sink, they must always be put in the dishwasher, checking beforehand that everything inside is dirty.