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en:centro:servizos:ubuntu_14.04_citius [2016/05/18 17:46] fernando.guillenen:centro:servizos:ubuntu_14.04_citius [2016/05/19 13:24] (current) fernando.guillen
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-FIXME **This page is not fully translated, yet. Please help completing the translation.**\\ //(remove this paragraph once the translation is finished)// 
 ======  Ubuntu 14.04 CITIUS Operating System   ====== ======  Ubuntu 14.04 CITIUS Operating System   ======
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 Some configurations, specifically those with low video memory, are prone to leave Unity unresponsive. In that event you can try to execute the command ''unity-reload'' by pressing ''Alt+F2''. If that doesn't work, go to a terminal by pressing ''Control+Alt+F1'', login and execute the command from there. To go back to the desktop press ''Alt+F7''. Some configurations, specifically those with low video memory, are prone to leave Unity unresponsive. In that event you can try to execute the command ''unity-reload'' by pressing ''Alt+F2''. If that doesn't work, go to a terminal by pressing ''Control+Alt+F1'', login and execute the command from there. To go back to the desktop press ''Alt+F7''.
-==== Install Roby, Python and R packets in the home directory ====+==== Install Ruby, Python and R packets in the home directory ====
 === Ruby === === Ruby ===
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 === R === === R ===
-Firdtly create a directory called ''R'' in your home:+Firstly create a directory called ''R'' in your home:
 <code bash>mkdir ~/R</code> <code bash>mkdir ~/R</code>
Line 168: Line 167:
 You will be asked if you want to do it in ''~/R'' because ''/usr/local/lib/R'' cant be written into. Answer ''y''. The directory will be added to the library path and you will be able to load them. You will be asked if you want to do it in ''~/R'' because ''/usr/local/lib/R'' cant be written into. Answer ''y''. The directory will be added to the library path and you will be able to load them.
-==== When unblocking the screen after being idle it asks for the password twice ====+==== When unblocking the screen after being idle it asks twice for the password ====
-This happens in the default directory(Ubuntu) when inheriting the configuration from Ubuntu 12.04. Para solucioanrlo, basta con ejecutar este comando en una terminal:+This happens in the default directory(Ubuntu) when inheriting the configuration from Ubuntu 12.04. To fix it execute this command from a terminal:
 <code>dconf reset -f /org/compiz/</code> <code>dconf reset -f /org/compiz/</code>
-Tras cerrar sesión y volver a iniciarla, el problema debería desaparecer. Tan solo se perderán algunas configuraciones avanzadas del escritorio que es muy poco probable que hayas tocado.+After closing the session and logging in again the problem should be gone.
-==== Ó iniciar sesión o teclado cambia a inglés automaticamente ====+==== After logging in the keyboard gets set to english automatically ====
-Esto é culpa de ''ibus''Podes desactivar ibus se non vas a usalo (se non sabes o que é, non o estás a usar). Para facelo, vai a //Preferencias// » //Soporte de idiomas// e no desplegable de método de entrada elixe //Ningún//.+This is ''ibus'' faultYou can deactivate it if you don't plan on using it (if you don't know what ''ibus'' is then you're not using it). Go to //System settings// » //Language support// and as the keyboard input method choose //None//.
-Se precisas ''ibus'', podes solucionar este problema editando a configuración de ibus [[http://askubuntu.com/questions/459617/keyboard-layout-isnt-kept-upon-reboot|como explica aquí]].+If you need to use ''ibus'' then you can fix this problem by editing its configuration [[http://askubuntu.com/questions/459617/keyboard-layout-isnt-kept-upon-reboot|as explained here]].
-==== A firma de actas da USC non funciona ==== 
-Para que a firma de actas da USC funcione, debes utilizar Firefox, e ter instalado e funcionando Java 8 de Oracle: 
-<code>aptdcon -i oracle-java8-installer</code> 
-En Firefox, vai a //Ferramentas// » //Complementos//, e na sección Plugins, comproba que teñas activado o //Java(TM) Plug-in 11.72.2// ou superior e que teñas desactivado calquera outro complemento de java, incluíndo o //Icedtea//. 
-Abre o //Oracle Java 8 Plugin Control panel// executando o comando <code>ControlPanel</code> na terminal e realiza os seguintes pasos: 
-  - Borra os arquivos temporais, na primeira pestaña, botón //Preferencias// e logo no novo diálogo, //Borrar arquivos...//. 
-  - Engade os seguintes sitios á lista de excepcións na pestaña de //Seguridade//: 
-    * <nowiki>https://aplicacions.usc.es/</nowiki> 
-    * <nowiki>https://sec-virtual.usc.es/</nowiki> 
-    * <nowiki>https://*.usc.es/</nowiki> 
-Despois destes pasos, accede á firma de actas. O applet de proba non funciona, pero o applet de firma real si debería funcionar correctamente.